Charlotte, Snow's handmaiden, is set to leave the castle permanently to tend to her ill mother, and joins the couple for a farewell dinner. FarmerSheriff of StorybrookeKnight of the Round Table (formerly)Black Knight (alternate reality)Assistant at pet shelter (formerly)Shepherd (formerly) The catch is Emma must "stop denying who she really is" and only then will the map unlock for her. After she does, he mixes the tears and instructs her to pour it in her eye in order to breach a temporary connection with Regina. Eventually, both of them depart because it is safe for Red. Inside the vault, Regina is found unconscious while one critical item is missing and now in Pan's hands, the curse scroll. After Emma drops him off at the apartment, he informs Mary Margaret about his find, which leads them to believe the villains want to revive Maleficent. Hook recognizes it as his brother's badge, which was lost during a duel with Pan on Dead Man's Peak, and there is a satchel there that contains a sextant for reading the star map. ("Going Home"), After the curse is cast, David is transported to Storybrooke, where he remains in a comatose state in the hospital, because he was on the brink of death in the previous world. Anton leaves the ship, but promises David will pay for what he has done. Her parents protest against it, but she reasons that they can figure out a way to remove the darkness from her like they did before. In response to her comment about being "friends" with the demigod, David jokingly gives her a hard time about it. However, they are cornered by Camelot soldiers, with Guinevere freeing Arthur and having Lancelot imprisoned in the dungeon. Despite it all, Elsa secretly refuses to give up on her sister, and she hands Emma a pouch containing rocks rather than the pendant. Prince Charming is mentioned in the Underworld storybook in "Our Decay". Immediately afterwards, Mary Margaret is distraught over lying to not only Emma, but now Henry. ("Operation Mongoose Part 2"), After Emma is gone, David and the others learn from the Apprentice that she is in the Enchanted Forest, and to cross realms, someone with both light and dark essence must wield his wand. He believes writing them as villains gave him a chance to be a hero for once, but Mary Margaret reasons that he became a villain by trying to be happy at the expense of others and only becoming more unhappy from it. While he points out if anything goes wrong, Belle has their emergency numbers, Mary Margaret is unable to not worry about being apart from her son. Since Neal is still too little, Snow and David decide it's best he at least hear their voices, so they sing him a lullaby. AKA Having an idea of what might suffice, Hook asks him for his blessing to propose to Emma, which David silently contemplates for several seconds, causing Hook to worry, until David gladly consents. However, Prince Charming realizes she isn't dead, but simply turned herself into a bug with the remaining dust. Continuing with the search on his own, he comes across a nude soldier who claims that Snow White stole his armor from him in order to kill the Queen. Henry seemingly follows his orders, only to get off the bus, as soon as David has walked away. While he sees his infant daughter in a basket and happily picks her up, his wife sees her teenager daughter in a pink gown. Revealing little, except that she is on a "secret mission", Joan asks permission to stay on his farm for the night. ("A Land Without Magic"), The ring takes him directly to his beloved Snow, but he finds her body resting in a glass coffin, surrounded by the dwarves in mourning. While hiding behind a pillar, he notices Maleficent has a flap behind her ear that can fit the egg. However, Snow was extremely remorseful when she re-awoke from the enchantment and replaced the mug and said it was the only thing broken she could replace. The next day, David continues going through records at the sheriff's office. Atop of the dragon's lair, all but one knight perishes. They spot Regina walking down the hall with the security guard, Walter, who has just told her about David's disappearance. Later, Emma tries to keep busy by helping her father sort boxes of files in the sheriff's office. Cruella plays along, despite knowing he's not James, by showering him with kisses and flirting with him. Quickly, David phones Emma and leaves a message notifying her that he is closing in on the Wicked Witch. In the nick of time, Greg knocks David away and escapes with his partner-in-crime. Wish Realm self: Upon losing, Regina's desperation leads her to kill Edmond, with the Queen revealing she orchestrated everything to prove Regina will always be dark. Consumed by her hatred of Snow, Regina enlists the help of Rumpelstiltskin to take the baby girl away and erase her memories of her daughter. David continues to be distracted about his family, until Ruby gives him a reality check about their current problems, such as Regina kidnapping Henry and the residents threatening to leave town because of her. David confesses he was scared, knowing she would be unwilling to leave the island with him, and did not want to force the cure's price on her. As the two prepare to go their separate ways, Snow White jokingly tries on his ring, though she states it's not her style. On the war council, the members debate her fate. She was once a princess On arrival back to Storybrooke, David welcomes Jekyll to the town by leading him to the diner. When the parents cannot decide which child to forfeit, Rumplestiltskin has Robert toss a coin to determine which boy he will take. One reason for his belief in her innocence is David's regrets over not trusting Mary Margaret when she was accused of murder. Still fuming from their lies, she recalls they always told her there is a right way to do things but what they did to Maleficent's child was not. As for the story Regina later gives about how she became David's emergency contact for the duration of his coma, she lies about finding him unconscious on the side of the road whilst driving home one night, and subsequently bringing him to the hospital, where no one is able to identity him, or find any of his relatives. ("The Crocodile"), Upon seeing Dr. Whale on the street, David punches him for sleeping with Mary Margaret, though the doctor defensively states it was at a time no one recalled their Enchanted Forest memories yet. As part of the scheme, David comes clean to Arthur about Emma being the Dark One, under the pretense of uniting the dagger with Excalibur to get rid of her darkness. When they get back into town, they find Billy's mangled corpse. Lucy Mills (Great-Granddaughter/Adoptive Step-Niece)Zelena Mills (Maternal Step-Aunt)Robin Hood II (Maternal Step-Cousin)Ruth (Mother-In-Law)Robert (Father-In-Law) Portrayer Returning to the apartment, everyone, including Elsa, assists in warming Emma up. The trio later watch Jekyll attempt to recreate the serum as a means to destroy the Queen. Later, David picks up Emma so they can investigate the cause of a sudden blackout. Mary Margaret and Henry also joins their team and they all make it back to the station just as an explosion blows a hole in the building. until she ran away into the Forest away from the castle until she met Prince However, Emma's magic is drained after saving Hook's life and causes the room barrier to fade. To reach out Emma, David and Mary Margaret cast the Dark Curse, meaning David's life is taken. Emma persists in having hope of finding Anna, and she goes to chase down Elsa. Prince David, better known as Prince Charming, alias Prince James, currently known as David Nolan, and formerly known as John Doe and Sir David, is a character on ABC's Once Upon a Time. Before coming to a decision, David goes to his allies as they are in the middle of watching over a catatonic Emma, whose condition is getting worse the longer she is the Dark One. She had long wavy black hair and green eyes. The prince suspected that the witch's motives are personal and inquired the Evil Queen on her past with the Wicked Witch, to which Regina replied that she and the witch were never acquainted. At the hospital, Dr. Whale gives the diagnosis as something similar in experience to when he first awoke from the coma and left his room. A grown Emma, dressed prettily in a blue gown, persuades him into a dance as practice for her first ball. Noticing Elsa and the potion are gone, they and Henry track Emma's car trail. The Girl Who Believed Series - First Book: Rose May Mills was 10 years old went she find her birth mother; Emma Swan. The next morning, David enters the barn where they promised to meet, asking Joan to leave instead of trying to help him when Bo Peep makes herself known. The storybook contains an untold story about how Prince Charming set the trap for Snow White: The storybook contains an excerpt from the wedding scene from ", A slightly different version appears in ", The storybook contains an untold story about how Prince Charming found Snow White's, Another scene from "Snow Falls" reads (curiously, the scene's ending appears. In her absence, David stays in the apartment, where Emma keeps watch on Megara, a prisoner that escaped from Cerberus. Coldly, Mr. Gold asserts that wars have costs and considering this is a blood feud that goes back several generations, and the only way to end it is to spill more of it by possibly killing Regina. Just before leaving, the Blue Fairy requests to be trusted as she herself has the one thing they all need, which is hope. Mysteriously, residents begin disappearing from town, such as one of the dwarves. 85 pages Completed May 23, 2017 . Mary Margaret gains insight on Pan's real reason for needing Henry's heart, which is to save himself from dying and then become immortal. Walking out of the diner, David and Mary Margaret hear an angered Marian condemn Regina, who she remembers as the Evil Queen, as a "monster". ("It's Not Easy Being Green"), When Emma accepts magic lessons with Regina, David and Mary Margaret offer to watch over Henry while she is gone. The next morning, David goes to the diner at seven-forty-five, but sees Mary Margaret inside, to which he bolts outside and she chases him down. While the women are crafting the net, David gathers vine from the jungle, and upon seeing Hook eyeing Emma, he asks him to come along. After returning to Kathryn, he promises to make an effort for their marriage to work. |-| As Mary Margaret Blanchard =. ("Only You"), As the heroes wait for Jekyll, David stops an escalating spat between Zelena and Hook. Emma, realizing the only person who can read the map is dead, stalks outside. She suspects Neal's fiance, Tamara, is involved, but her parents insist only Mr. Gold could overpower Regina. Human Despite this, she is angry he didn't tell her about the cure or the cost for it. Since it wasn't Elsa's magic, David goes with Emma to find the culprit. He's just very good at taking it in stride. As the curse closes, David is resurrected through his wife's half heart and they return to Storybrooke and they are wiped of their memories because of Zelena wanting them to forget how to defeat her. With Henry's help, Emma retrieves the dreamcatchers and returns everyone's lost memories. David rejoins her after she learns from Mr. Gold that the Wicked Witch's true identity is Zelena. Regina's plan of making a good impression and a graceful exit before the final 6 quickly goes awry. At Robin's funeral, David and Snow step forward to lay a rose entwined arrow on the casket. Working together, David ties a rope around his waist and saves Emma while Mary Margaret, Hook and Regina pull them up. Mr. Gold, also in the store, notices and starts a conversation about love. Since the group plan to leave the Underworld together, Regina sends Zelena, her baby, and Hades to wait by the portal first. Emma advises that both her parents should go home because Neal needs them more than her, and they've already done enough for her by coming to the Underworld. He goes to ask Mary Margaret for the truth, but she is shocked at his lack and faith and orders him to leave. He is the main reality version of Prince Charming (Wish Realm). She warns that if they cannot pool the money by tomorrow, the farm is hers. Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found here. Regina stands inside of her walk-in closet observing her endless choice of suit jackets. Portrayed by: Elsa uses the shepherds crook to find Anna, whose heartbeat they hear. Regina then asks Snow White to give up her claim to the throne and go into exile. Once Snow White and Lancelot rejoin the mother-son pair, they travel to Lake Nostos to find the cure for the wound caused by the poisoned arrow. David calls the man out for not understanding the situation since he doesn't have a daughter who is waiting for him out in the world, to which Mr. Gold calmly asserts otherwise and gives a potion to Mary Margaret so she and David can recurse themselves and wait another eighteen years until Emma arrives. After preparing a picnic by the Toll Bridge, he texts her and she rushes to meet him there for a romantic outing in the woods. When Mary Margaret confesses her desire for another child, David tearfully admits she would make a great mother, but she won't have another baby with him due to the price of the Dreamshade cure. The trio refuse to budge out of Regina's way, so she conjures a fireball. Children Jefferson, although unable to make the hat work, reveals that the Enchanted Forest still exists, despite Regina previously claiming it is gone. While spending time at the diner, David and Mary Margaret overhear Neal inviting Emma to lunch tomorrow. Repeat (A Once Upon A Time Fan. Regina suspects Zelena broke the blood magic seal on the vault and used ingredients to make the spell, but Zelena denies any wrongdoing. Although they catch her off guard, Regina decides to retreat rather than fight them, since she is feeling generous on her birthday. With the Blue Fairy's help, she reverts to human. It debuted on September 25, 2016, and concluded on May 14, 2017. The Author admits he wrote Cruella's story and made it so she can never kill anyone, meaning Henry is not in danger, but the situation is a ploy for Mr. Gold to turn Emma dark. ("Where Bluebirds Fly"), In search of the other half of a wand that can banish the Black Fairy, David and his wife look in the clock tower because of a clue provided by Mother Superior about where the wand is, but the actual location is eventually narrowed down the diner. Afterwards, David and Mary Margaret receive Regina at the door. In the apartment, Emma enters to give Pongo over to Henry in an effort to cheer him up. They track down a pirate named Captain Hook and attempt to give him money as payment for passage on his ship to the Queen's castle. David directs all the residents to take cover at town hall while he attempts to clear up the misunderstanding with Anton. Though they corner Arthur in the Round Table room, the group are blindsided by Zelena, who holds Mary Margaret as her hostage to get them to back down. When she disappears, her parents ask Hook to talk to her. Despite that they insist they trust Arthur and are acting in Emma's best interests, Regina hesitates in giving the dagger to Mary Margaret, questioning if it's truly a good idea to let Arthur have the one thing that can control Emma. Bedtime Series 13: Pricking her finger, Regina let a drop of blood fall into the potion she mixed together. After an altercation, David passes out from his worsening wound and awakens to see a military insignia in the dirt. ("Best Laid Plans"), While Snow White nears the end of her pregnancy, Prince Charming agrees to let her meet with Rumplestiltskin so she'll stop fretting about the Queen's warning at their wedding. Hook, disgusted by the crocodile's actions, considers that he should have stabbed him with the cursed blade, even if it meant making himself the new Dark One. With the plan ruined, Mary Margaret blurts out that Neal is alive. A crushed Kathryn goes to Regina for support, to which Regina warns Mary Margaret against getting involved with a married man. Regina breaks up the argument by reminding them that they need to stick together since the Queen wants them to turn on each other. After Gideon escapes, David and the others are unfrozen, before they rush to Emma's side out of relief over her safety. While the pirate distracts Greg, David chases Tamara, who loses her gun at one point. Hearing Cruella calling for James, David sends Snow out of the office with the key, while he pretends to be his brother in Cruella's presence. After Jekyll reveals Hyde has escaped his cell, David and Emma return with the doctor to the lab so he can continue working on the serum. To elarn more of her past, Cora is sent back to the real world as she tries to enact her revenge on Snow, but Regina attempts to protect er numerous times and Snow learns why Cora abandoned Zelena. Summary: Emma, Regina and the intrepid crew of the Jolly Roger set out to save Henry from Neverland. ("Red-Handed"), Later, after Mary Margaret's arrest, David goes to Regina to plead for mercy. The next day, he is freed of the binds with the help of the cricket, Jiminy, and rushes to take the hit of the arrow as Snow White fires at the Queen on the road. The experiment is unsuccessful, but David encourages Jekyll not to give up and then goes to search the dirigible for any other lab equipment. Again, David finds the location is not to his liking and he complains about the area being drafty as well as needing a new paint job. David refuses and instead encourages him to just go to school as usual. Snow works a way out to remove the darkenss from her daughter who took the darkness and allowed it to suck into her soul. Prince Charming shares his name with another former shepherd, This is alluded to when Cinderella asks if Prince Thomas is charming, which causes. Good girl, waiting for Mommy to take her flower. While under the curse, David is trapped in a room full of mirrors until using a torch to break the floor and falls into a chamber surrounded by flames. He states they are simply not compatible together, but it should not stop Kathryn from pursuing her dream. Charming explains he never doubted she is the proper ruler of the kingdom but wanted her to show the Queen the kind of courage he always knew was there. He stands his ground against the alluring woman until she turns into the one person he desires most, Snow White. Hook finds him and urges him to wake Snow so he can get some rest, but David snaps at him, stating he doesn't need advice from a pirate. ("The Shepherd"), After Sheriff Graham's death, he helps to staple promotional posters of sheriff election candidate Sidney around town. He catches up in time to save her from one of the Queen's knights. Concerned for his adoptive mother, Henry tries to call her as David stays behind to accompany him. He moves to phone Mr. Gold, but Mary Margaret already tried and he is not picking up. Una per lo pi cieca Regina sta passando una brutta giornata; il suo cane guida corso via, in ritardo per il lavoro e si sente un po' sola. Suddenly, Greg's phone starts ringing. The Charmings capture Regina. See "Family" As the evening goes on, they have no luck apprehending the thief, to which Mary Margaret expresses concerns about being away from Neal too long. Before the pair set out to retrieve it, David says goodbye to Emma and Mary Margaret. David prepares to put the plan into action, however, Belle raises the question of simply getting direct help from Mr. Gold instead. As a trade, Pan lives, but Henry will die. Species: Once there, Zelena brews tea for them. Though Snow White is against killing the Evil Queen, she is outnumbered by the others, including Prince Charming, who all believe death is a fitting punishment. Alive Her mother dies when she is twelve years old on her birthday because Eva was poisoned by Cora with magic. Grandchildren Fearing Hades will kill again, Emma prepares to find Hades herself, but David persuades her to slow down because they haven't got a plan yet, and she hasn't dealt with her grief over Hook. 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