Carmarthenshire County Council and Bouygues UK have now entered into an initial pre-construction period a stage of works undertaken prior to the commencement of construction on site next year. The Council's Corporate Structure is made up of five Directorates which are responsible for the following service areas: Chief Executives The last election was held on 5 May 2022. Please provide an e-mail address so that we can get back to you if we have any further questions. It is important to note at that these figures are speculation until Welsh Government announces what budget settlements councils are having on the 13th of December 2022. I am Carmarthenshire's Deputy Chief Executive and Corporate Director for Communities. *** Your vote has not yet been counted ***. [1] This pattern continued until the 1920s from which time most rural seats were held by independents, while the Labour Party dominated the industrial part of the county. Specialist help, support and advice to help with the cost of living and other matters is available at each of our customer service Hwbs in Ammanford, Llanelli and Carmarthen. The 1.3billion Swansea Bay City Deal is an unprecedented investment which will transform peoples lives, creating major opportunities and generating over 9,000 jobs over 15 years. 9 were here. [3], The first election to the re-established council was held in 1995, initially operating as a shadow authority before coming into its powers on 1 April 1996. The following web browsers are supported by this website: Please contact your system administrator if you require assistance upgrading or changing your web browser. ADSS Cymru aims to provide support directly from the business unit and also via our policy groups. The county is divided into 51 electoral wards returning 75 councillors. stream 1 0 obj Carmarthenshire County Council - All your council services : Cyngor Sir Gaerfyrddin - Eich holl wasanaethau'r cyngor Carmarthenshire County Council Website : Gwefan Cyngor Sir Gaerfyrddin Hepgor gwe-lywio A NEW director of environment will take over at Carmarthenshire Council from departing post-holder Ruth Mullen. Deputy Director of Social Services and Corporate Lead Officer, Porth Gofal. Carmarthenshire County Council E D Gareth Morgans (ADEW Chair) Director of Education & Children's Services Direct Dial: 01267 246 522 Responsibilities: Chief Education Officer; Education Services Personal Assistant: Julie Price K"R- }J3V`n=C]mh6 d+!/tVy2?MCJXFM2,!T The legal requirement to show a COVID Pass to enter certain venues and events in Wales has now been lifted by the Welsh Government, the Deputy Minister for Arts and Sport, Dawn Bowden has confirmed. Memorandums of Understanding have been signed with Coleg Sir Gr, the University of Wales Trinity Saint David, Swansea University and Cardiff University for the delivery of courses on site. Thank you for taking the time to get in touch with us. Mansel Charles Llanegwad Plaid Cymru Cllr. ADSS Cymru aims to provide support directly from the business unit and also via our policy groups. Tell us what you think, including anything you think we can do to improve it. We maintain 97 primary schools, 12 secondary schools and 2 special schools as well as youth services and school transport. Carmarthenshire County Council (Welsh: Cyngor Sir Gaerfyrddin) is the local authority for the county of Carmarthenshire, Wales. Communities with their own community council are marked with a *. You will need a basic knowledge of Welsh. Council Manifesto; Woodford Green Farm Ty Mawr Llanybydder Carmarthenshire. Tell us your name and email address so that we can give you an update on your feedback. A member of our team will get back to you as soon as possible. British Council Salaries trends. Explore the topic Waste management Local councils and services. Talking of local it's a word you'll find on most menus. Zone One will benefit from around 70million of public sector investment and will feature education, business, research, leisure and health facilities to provide transformational social and economic benefits to people in the region. Working closely with the Director of Corporate Services for Carmarthenshire County Council, you will provide a professional financial service to all regional partners and stakeholders. Liam Bowen Pontyberem Plaid Cymru Cllr. Director of Nursing, Quality & Patient Experience, Regional Third Sector representative, Ceredigion Association of Voluntary Organisations (CAVO), Regional representative for Heads of Commissioning. Based on 1 salaries posted anonymously by Hampshire County Council Service Director employees in Kidderminster, England. There will also be a targeted focus on supporting those who are long-term unemployed or economically inactive, and tailored initiatives in local communities and schools to inspire people towards relevant careers. We will also need to ensure the request aligns with the priorities and strategic objectives of that group and ADSS Cymru. Births, Deaths, Marriages and Civil Partnerships, Supplier Information - Ordering and Payments, Council appoints contractor to start delivering Llanellis Pentre Awel scheme. Noelwyn Daniel. If youve provided us with your email address, we will be in touch as soon as possible with an update. Sorry, your web browser is not capable of supporting the features required by this website. Team meetings are chaired by the Chief Executive and include the Directors, Assistant Chief Executive and the Monitoring Officer (Head of Administration and Law). endstream The following web browsers are supported by this website: Please contact your system administrator if you require assistance upgrading or changing your web browser. endobj On receipt of your enquiry, the business unit will establish with the Chair of the relevant policy group if they have the capacity to deal with your request. We advise you upgrade your web browser before continuing to use this website. It will mean employment and training opportunities for local people, including jobs for people just starting their careers, apprenticeships, work placements and wider employability support. ADSS Cymru is the voice of the professional and strategic leadership of social care services in Wales. We represent the collective view of all twenty-two local authorities social services departments across Wales. Most of these wards are coterminous with communities. Your feedback is really important to us. +-8)83mp,:YBsF|Fagni/`bwoon6t A? Salaries posted anonymously by British Council employees in Erith, England. A hotel, a range of social and affordable housing, assisted living accommodation and a nursing home are being planned for later phases of the scheme. Trant and Richards, solicitors, collection of Carmarthenshire and Pembrokeshire estates papers and deeds 1544-1935 Ungoed-Thomas and King, solicitors, collection of Carmarthenshire deeds and records 1719-1972 Williams and Roberts, solicitors, collection of Carmarthenshire deeds 1726-1978 (accumulated 1923-1978) We want your feedback so that we can use it to improve our site. Chief Executive Births, Deaths, Marriages and Civil Partnerships, Supplier Information - Ordering and Payments, Public Participation Strategy and Petition Scheme, Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE), Cabinet Vision Statement 2022 - 2027 (July 2022), Digital Transformation Strategy 2017 - 2020, Libraries Service Update - Moving forward for 2017 - 2022, Update your details on the Electoral Register, Police and Crime Commissioner Elections 2021, Carmarthenshire Local Well-being Assessment. The total investment is made up of 241 million of UK Government and Welsh Government funding, 330 million of other public sector money and 581 million from the private sector. C Head of Safeguarding Adults &Children (Named Nurse). Please provide an e-mail address so that we can get back to you if we have any further questions. Please fill in the "Tell us more" box so that we can improve this page. If youve provided us with your email address, we will be in touch as soon as possible with an update. $.' Property and construction consultants Gleeds will manage the build contract, supported by design and planning experts Arup. Mark James, who joined Carmarthenshire Council as chief executive in 2002, announced his retirement earlier this and will leave the role when he turns 60 in June. Domiciliary Care Feasibility Study 2022 - 2023. Assistant Director of Safeguarding(Named Nurse). It's easy to mix with locals, especially after a few drinks! Here you can find useful information about grant funding, community safety and how to organise an event in your community. Assistant Director Nursing Assurance and Safeguarding Corporate Nursing. The council is based at County Hall in Carmarthen. The AWASH group consists of heads of adult services from all local authorities and meets on a quarterlybasis (including an annual conference) to discuss those issues that contribute to the effective delivery of services for adults, and in particular older people. Your feedback is really important to us. Deryk CundyCurry, Cllr. Carmarthenshire County Council is one of the largest most diverse employers in Southwest Wales, employing almost 8,000 employees who work in a range of . Go to Carmarthenshire County Council website Contact your council directly if you live in Scotland or Northern Ireland. Carmarthenshire County Council : Road Closure By Katrina Rowe - 13th April 2021 0 65 - Advertisement - We are planning essential surfacing works on the A484 near . %PDF-1.7 Tell us your name and email address so that we can give you an update on your feedback. If you would like to request or engage ADSS Cymru or any of our policy groups listed below; Please contact them via the email provided Ty Antur, Navigation Park, This phone number is for emergencies and is available after 6pm and up until 8:30am on weekdays, and on Saturdays, Sundays, and Bank Holidays. Michael CranhamCundy, Cllr. [2], Under the Local Government (Wales) Act 1994 these councils established in 1974 were all abolished, and Carmarthenshire County Council was re-established as a unitary authority for the area. Assistant Director of Children's Services, Head of Children, Families and Safeguarding, Head of Education and Children's Services, Head of Children and Young People Services, Director of Operations, National Adoption Service Wales, All Wales Heads of Business Services Group (AWHOBS). If youve provided us with your email address, we will be in touch as soon as possible with an update. After Jeremy Hunt Tory Chancellor's mini-budget, the worst-case scenario budget settlement shortfall for Carmarthenshire County Council has gone from 22m to 39m. Gareth Morgans - Director of Education and Children's Services - Carmarthenshire County Council | LinkedIn Gareth Morgans Director of Education and Children's Services at. Contacts Contact 1 Contact Name: Bethan Williams Telephone: 01267 246487 Email Address: Show more Report Peter CooperCranham, Cllr. A meeting of full council was told that it was her decision to leave, and that she would do so on December 31. ADSS Cymru is the voice of the professional and strategic leadership of social care services in Wales. The original Carmarthenshire County Council was abolished under the Local Government Act 1972, with the area becoming part of the county of Dyfed, which also covered the former administrative counties of Pembrokeshire and Cardiganshire. Pentre Awel is the first development of its scope and size in Wales, bringing together life science innovation, community healthcare and modern leisure facilities at the 83-acre Delta Lakes site on the Llanelli coastline. Select a department Chief Executives is responsible for people management, regeneration and policy, information technology and administration and law. <> Information for the public - Where can I get support? - Advertisement - Deputy Director of Social Services andCorporate Lead Officer, Porth Gofal, Head of Mental Health, Learning Disabilities & Adult Safeguarding, Carmarthenshire County Council. Linda Rees-Jones, Head of ICT Services ADSS Cymru Business Unit, Bryan DaviesDavies, Cllr. A member of our team will get back to you as soon as possible. Head of Safeguarding Adults & Children (Named Nurse). Kim BroomCharles, Cllr. Chief Executive, Leader and Cabinet support, Early Years childcare, play and education, Support services for supporting learner behaviour, School services catering, music, admissions and governance, Transition arrangements and support for children and young people with complex needs, Treasury management and pension investments, Mental health and learning disability services, Older people and physical disability services, Property/architectural design and maintenance, Street cleansing, litter and grounds maintenance, Traffic management, road safety and car parking, Births, Deaths, Marriages and Civil Partnerships, Supplier Information - Ordering and Payments, Public Participation Strategy and Petition Scheme, Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE), Update your details on the Electoral Register, Police and Crime Commissioner Elections 2021, Carmarthenshire Local Well-being Assessment. Councillors approved the proposed recruitment arrangement and the roles main duties and job profile, which include ensuring efficient processing of planning applications, providing high visibility leadership, supporting the head of regeneration in engaging with prospective developers and investors in a proactive manner, and promoting the councils environmental sustainability approach. Please fill in the "Tell us more" box so that we can improve this page. We represent the collective view of all twenty-two local authorities social services departments across Wales. Outside normal office hours Delta Wellbeing provides an emergency service on 0300 333 2222. <> Outside normal office hours Delta Wellbeing provides an emergency service on 0300 333 2222. Abercynon, CF45 4SN, All Wales Heads of Adults' Services Group (AWASH), All Wales Heads of Children's Services Group (AWHOCS). Andrew DaviesDavies, Cllr. Salaries posted anonymously by Leeds City Council employees in Falmer, England. Please enable JavaScript in your web browser settings or white-list our domain "" if you use any plug-ins to block JavaScript. Browse, borrow, and enjoy titles from the Carmarthenshire County Council digital collection. We will also need to ensure the request aligns with the priorities and strategic objectives of that group and ADSS Cymru. Party with the most elected councillors in bold. Sue AllenBowen, Cllr. Hwb advisers will be available every day, along with housing officers and employability advisers, to provide tailored packages of support to residents. Kim Broom Trimsaran Plaid Cymru Cllr. Her successor will be an interim appointment for a period of up to 12 months. Simon Barnes, Pre-Construction Director for Bouygues UK, said: "We are delighted to have been selected as preferred bidder on the Pentre Awel project, a first of its kind project in Wales. 3 0 obj Thank you for taking the time to get in touch with us. Please note this will be during office hours, Monday Friday 08:30 18:00. JFIF Exif MM * > F( i N The council is one of twenty-two unitary authorities that came into existence on 1 April 1996 under the provisions of the Local Government (Wales) Act 1994. SA40 9RD 495,000; Carmarthenshire County Council Councillor's Annual Report 2015-2016; Carmarthenshire County Council Election Results 1995-2012; Meeting 29Th October 2019; New Patterns of Migration in the Light of Language Policythe Case of Polish Migrants in Wales Log in to see if there any eligible properties or call us on 01554 899389 to set up an account. Sorry, your web browser is not capable of supporting the features required by this website. We welcome applications from candidates with suitable skills and experience, whether from the public or private sector. The winter fayre will be sourced from Carmarthenshire farms or the seas off the West Wales coast. Pentre Awel is one of the world-class projects forming part of the Swansea Bay City Deal. If you have a suggestion on how we can improve the website, please let us know. Carmarthenshire Family Information Service Have your say! Please provide an e-mail address so that we can get back to you if we have any further questions. Chief executive Wendy Walters has indicated a preference for an internal appointee, and with that in mind applications will be limited to council heads of service and directors. The new interim director will lead a 1,257-strong workforce and have a combined revenue and capital budget of nearly 60 million per year. Outside normal office hours Delta Wellbeing provides an emergency service on 0300 333 2222. [17] In July 2021 Welsh Government accepted a number of ward change proposals by the Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales, the changes gave a better parity of representation. Croeso nol! Liam BowenBroom, Cllr. If you have a suggestion on how we can improve the website, please let us know. Council departments Council departments Select a department The Corporate Management Team, led by the Chief Executive, oversees the day-to-day operation of the council's services. <>/Metadata 2156 0 R/ViewerPreferences 2157 0 R>> Having received UK and Welsh Government approval of its 40million Swansea Bay City Deal business case earlier this year, the council has led an extensive tendering process via the South West Wales Regional Contractors Framework for contractors to deliver the exciting scheme. If you would like to request or engage ADSS Cymru or any of our policy groups listed below; Please contact them via the email provided E: Our aim is to support you to maintain a good quality of life, or help you find other people who might be able to help. Local government of Carmarthenshire, Wales, Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales, "County Councils. The first election to the original council was held in January 1889 and the majority of the seats were won by the Liberals. Your feedback is really important to us. ADSS Cymru aims to provide support directly from the business unit and also via our policy groups. Information for the public - Where can I get support? Find Councillor By name:Please select a councillorAllen, Cllr. 5 0 obj Your councillors alphabetically Your councillors by political party Your councillors by ward Full list of contact details Councillor attendance summary View councillors in a table Cllr. % The Deal will transform the economic landscape of the Swansea Bay City Region, providing at least a 1.8billion boost to the local economy across Carmarthenshire, Pembrokeshire, Swansea and Neath Port Talbot. Carmarthenshire County Council has welcomed its new leader as part of a Plaid-Independent alliance. It took over local government functions previously provided by the three district councils of Carmarthen, Dinefwr, and Llanelli, as well as the county-level services in the area from Dyfed County Council, all of which councils were abolished at the same time. Please provide an e-mail address so that we can get back to you if we have any further questions. These all-Wales discussions allow senior staff to share best practice and to consider how services for adults are changing across Wales. Every week, Friday to Monday we advertise all vacant homes on Canfod Cartref. It is the second body of this name; the previous Carmarthenshire County Council was formed on 1 April 1889 by the Local Government Act 1888, taking over the local government functions of the Quarter Sessions. Assistant Director of Safeguarding (Named Nurse), Regional representative of Youth Justice Managers, Copyright 2019 Mid and West Wales Safeguarding Board, High-Risk Behaviours (Including Self-Neglect and Hoarding), Services and support available for victims of domestic abuse, CADW - Junior Regional Safeguarding Board. Company Description: Key Principal: Noelwyn Daniel See more contacts Industry: Elementary and Secondary Schools , Executive, Legislative, and Other General Government Support , Business, Professional, Labor, Political, and Similar Organizations , Lessors of Real Estate , Elementary school, nec See All Industries It will bring major investment in the regions infrastructure by delivering nine world-class projects in the fields of digital, energy, smart manufacturing, innovation and life science. Cabinet Member for Rural Affairs & Planning Policy. 2 0 obj The AWHOCS group consists of heads of childrens services from all local authorities and meets on a quarterly basis (including an annual conference). Births, Deaths, Marriages and Civil Partnerships, Supplier Information - Ordering and Payments, Public Participation Strategy and Petition Scheme, Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE), Update your details on the Electoral Register, Police and Crime Commissioner Elections 2021, Carmarthenshire Local Well-being Assessment. Employees at Carmarthenshire County Council Andrew Goudge Ian Rogers Randal Hemingway Head Of Financial Services at Carmarthenshire County Council Kay Howells Regional Community. It provides a range of services including education, planning, transport, social services and public safety. Bouygues UK will now work with the council, the Regional Learning and Skills Partnership (RLSP), schools, colleges and universities, as well as local employment agencies such as Workways and Communities for Work to deliver a comprehensive programme of community benefits during the construction phase. The authority has said it is working to address the issues raised, and that backlogs on enforcement and determining new applications were being reduced. If you join the team as a casual breakfast supervisor via the Council's recruitment process and temporary jobs subsequently become available we generally appoint to these posts from our casual pool of staff. The 2022 Carmarthenshire County Council election took place on Thursday 5 May 2022 to elect 75 members to Carmarthenshire Council.On the same day, elections were held to the other 21 local authorities and to community councils in Wales as part of the 2022 Welsh local elections.. AWASH AWHOCS Board of Directors For further help, support and information visit our Cost of Living Advice page. This phone number is for emergencies and is available after 6pm and up until 8:30am on weekdays, and on Saturdays, Sundays, and Bank Holidays. This website requires JavaScript to function correctly. <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 594.96 842.04] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Wendy Walters, Assistant Chief Executive (People Management and Performance) All the key information you need to get your household recycling paper, plastic and food waste. The Carmarthenshire Elections", "Carmarthenshire council leader Meryl Gravell steps down after 13 years", "Carmarthenshire council leader Kevin Madge voted out", "New coalition takes over Carmarthenshire council", "Leader of Carmarthenshire Council loses his seat", "Why town centres will have to be different, says council leader", "Welsh council appoints first ever female chief executive - but she will earn 30k less than previous boss", "Carmarthenshire chief executive Mark James to retire", "The County of Carmarthenshire (Electoral Arrangements) Order 2021",, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Includes candidates elected as Independent Labour and/or, This page was last edited on 23 January 2023, at 22:44. Quick feedback Carmarthenshire Family Information Service Building 2, Saint David's Park Jobs Well Road, Carmarthen Carms, SA31 3HB Contact Us Phone: 01267 246555 email: endobj Director Of Community Services Carmarthenshire County Council Nov 2014 - Present8 years 2 months Carmarthen Corporate Director leading integrated Community health and social care,. xVn@}G;_(RCRJUU(uR!=k1)dpN]Y4Lq5V iO^s*M5wPFC<8OIt.&QilFiB g:>|^?9.[4VPO !&Ljr1`N#]/N4Ql#LG)3WXtW)F9js+k|#w9k2 70By_/WI,gax=Oj2U\g7f\P0xq8=yMjC^LqUm#Yh@/.gud"yhSEUj`ZE sVRq\QbT Tell us what you think, including anything you think we can do to improve it. AWASH is focusing on a range of strategic issues over the next few years, including the embedding of the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014, examining the changes needed in the provision of domiciliary and residential care, and responding to the challenges in providing care and support to an increasing number of the older population with dementia. Please fill in the form and one of our representatives will be in contact shortly. ",#(7),01444'9=82. Cllr Darren Price has been named as the Leader of the Council and Chair of the Cabinet after Plaid Cymru secured the majority of votes with 38 seats out of 75 at the Local Government Elections earlier this month. We will not notify you again about this until you next restart your browser. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Suzy CurryDavies, Cllr. For the foreseeable future the work of AWHOCS will be aligned to the work of the Welsh Governments Ministerial Advisory Group on Improving Outcomes for Children, as the programme is key to AWHOCS and its partners. Please enable JavaScript in your web browser settings or white-list our domain "" if you use any plug-ins to block JavaScript. [13] She succeeded Mark James, who had held the post for 17 years.[14]. *** Your vote has not yet been counted ***. Tell us your name and email address so that we can give you an update on your feedback. Average salary for Hampshire County Council Service Director in Kidderminster, England: [salary]. *** Your vote has not yet been counted ***. Tell us about your experience of using our website. Most communities in Carmarthenshire have a community council. <br><br>I moved to West Wales in 2005 leading Children's Services and education Inclusion to be considered by regulators as . This phone number is for emergencies and is available after 6pm and up until 8:30am on weekdays, and on Saturdays, Sundays, and Bank Holidays. stream Visitors to the Hwbs can also access information on the services available to support them as the cost of living increases. Her successor will be an interim appointment for a period of up to 12 months. The fcyi P[[pc6yueuscTFls' ^h#gp[ oA&2CFfV Domiciliary Care Feasibility Study 2022 - 2023. 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